Web Monitoring

Web Site Monitoring and Performance Insights

Meeting User Expectations With Web Performance

It is quite a challenge to achieve optimum, fast website performance. The challenges are in the following areas where today’s web users have high expectations, organizations want to provide more functionality and also wanting to cut down on infrastructure costs. There are some best practices which can be used to measure and revise strategies. We need to measure key objectives of users, measure the site usage and the different geographies where the performance varies. The infrastructure elements that are affecting your site’s performance.

To meet users requirements, we will need to architect web pages for speed! Few things to point out are to minimize server requests, compress data, usage of page analysis and web page monitoring tools, software’s that can improve page speed, etc. Other than these, caching smartly will eliminate bottlenecks and this needs to be done from your customer’s perspective.

September 29, 2010 - Posted by | Web Monitoring | , ,

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