Web Monitoring

Web Site Monitoring and Performance Insights

Beyond Performance Monitoring

The major difference between systems management and website performance monitoring is that the former is conducted inside the company’s firewall and the latter is conducted from outside the firewall. However, as described, the methods share a basic feature: both are performed by IT staff with owner-operated monitoring software. In other words, an e-business does all the monitoring by itself.

An owner-centric approach suffers from a fundamental bias, at least with respect to performance monitoring. Although e-businesses need to supplement the internal perspective of systems management, performance monitoring can’t do the job effectively if it is conducted with owner-operated tools. Given the realities of the Internet and the pressures of a competitive marketplace, web performance must be monitored by a neutral third party with global resources and a comprehensive, well-tested, credible methodology. This is precisely the service Keynote so effectively provides to help e-businesses improve key Web application service levels, maximize revenue, and effectively manage costs.

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August 27, 2010 Posted by | web performance | , | Leave a comment